
7/31/2012 8:08 am

Opportunity School District


Georgia voters will be asked to approve a constitutional amendment that would allow the creation of a state-run school district (the Opportunity School District or “OSD”).  A superintendent appointed by and reporting to the governor would oversee this district.  In addition, the language that will appear on the ballot is misleading.

Georgia PTA has joined with many community and educational advocacy groups in opposing the Opportunity School District Amendment.   The OSD language does not align with Georgia PTA legislative priorities because it:


  • removes families from having a voice at their school,
  • can lead to loss of local control over education policy and money,
  • places decision making for these schools with an appointed (not elected) official.

Read the GA PTA Summary or watch the online video to learn more.


Upcoming Event:

Informational OSD Meeting

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

7:00 p.m.

Kell High School

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